39 research outputs found

    Stability of Zeno Equilibria in Lagrangian Hybrid Systems

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    This paper presents both necessary and sufficient conditions for the stability of Zeno equilibria in Lagrangian hybrid systems, i.e., hybrid systems modeling mechanical systems undergoing impacts. These conditions for stability are motivated by the sufficient conditions for Zeno behavior in Lagrangian hybrid systems obtained in [11]—we show that the same conditions that imply the existence of Zeno behavior near Zeno equilibria imply the stability of the Zeno equilibria. This paper, therefore, not only presents conditions for the stability of Zeno equilibria, but directly relates the stability of Zeno equilibria to the existence of Zeno behavior

    Dynamics and Stability of Low-Reynolds-Number Swimming Near a Wall

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    The locomotion of microorganisms and tiny artificial swimmers is governed by low-Reynolds-number hydrodynamics, where viscous effects dominate and inertial effects are negligible. While the theory of low-Reynolds-number locomotion is well studied for unbounded fluid domains, the presence of a boundary has a significant influence on the swimmer’s trajectories and poses problems of dynamic stability of its motion. In this paper we consider a simple theoretical model of a microswimmer near a wall, study its dynamics, and analyze the stability of its motion. We highlight the underlying geometric structure of the dynamics, and establish a relation between the reversing symmetry of the system and existence and stability of periodic and steady solutions of motion near the wall. The results are demonstrated by numerical simulations and validated by motion experiments with macroscale robotic swimmer prototypes

    Formal and practical completion of Lagrangian hybrid systems

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    This paper presents a method for completing Lagrangian hybrid systems models in a formal manner. That is, given a Lagrangian hybrid system, i.e., a hybrid system that models a mechanical system undergoing impacts, we present a systematic method in which to extend executions of this system past Zeno points by adding an additional domain to the hybrid model. Moreover, by utilizing results that provide sufficient conditions for Zeno behavior and for stability of Zeno equilibria in Lagrangian hybrid systems, we are able to give explicit bounds on the error incurred through the practical simulation of these completed hybrid system models. These ideas are illustrated on a series of examples, and are shown to be consistent with observed reality

    Stability and Completion of Zeno Equilibria in Lagrangian Hybrid Systems

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    This paper studies Lagrangian hybrid systems, which are a special class of hybrid systems modeling mechanical systems with unilateral constraints that are undergoing impacts. This class of systems naturally display Zeno behavior-an infinite number of discrete transitions that occur in finite time, leading to the convergence of solutions to limit sets called Zeno equilibria. This paper derives simple conditions for stability of Zeno equilibria. Utilizing these results and the constructive techniques used to prove them, the paper introduces the notion of a completed hybrid system which is an extended hybrid system model allowing for the extension of solutions beyond Zeno points. A procedure for practical simulation of completed hybrid systems is outlined, and conditions guaranteeing upper bounds on the incurred numerical error are derived. Finally, we discuss an application of these results to the stability of unilaterally constrained motion of mechanical systems under perturbations that violate the constraint

    Nonlinear dynamics and bifurcations of a planar undulating magnetic microswimmer

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    Swimming micro-organisms such as flagellated bacteria and sperm cells have fascinating locomotion capabilities. Inspired by their natural motion, there is an ongoing effort to develop artificial robotic nano-swimmers for potential in-body biomedical applications. A leading method for actuation of nano-swimmers is by applying a time-varying external magnetic field. Such systems have rich and nonlinear dynamics that calls for simple fundamental models. A previous work studied forward motion of a simple two-link model with passive elastic joint, assuming small-amplitude planar oscillations of the magnetic field about a constant direction. In this work, we found that there exists a faster, backward motion of the swimmer with very rich dynamics. By relaxing the small-amplitude assumption, we analyze the multiplicity of periodic solutions, as well as their bifurcations, symmetry breaking, and stability transitions. We have also found that the net displacement and/or mean swimming speed are maximized for optimal choices of various parameters. Asymptotic calculations are performed for the bifurcation condition and the swimmer's mean speed. The results may enable significantly improving the design aspects of magnetically-actuated robotic microswimmer.Comment: version 3, revised and resubmitted for review as journal publicatio